Sport and coaching scientist Andy Patterson runs the regional development pathway for mountain bike in partnership with New Plymouth Mountain Bikers. The group sessions are split onto 3 groups Launch, Rockets and Stars for Novice, intermediate and advanced ability groups respectively.
Sessions allow riders to learn off-road skills in a fun, social environment. We coach using constraints methods of learning and the riders develop their own skills in their own way in their own time.
Training is at Lake Mangamahoe, Plantation Rd, SH3 Sundays 10am – Noon
How to be part of the Firstgas Rockets
Entry is $15 per child, booking your child into their preferred ability group can be done at the bottom of the page here. Bookings usually go live for the weekend by the preceding Thursday.
1. Please find the correct booking group, Launch (novice), Rockets (intermediate) Stars (advanced) and book your child onto the group.
2. Please check the quantity and update the cart
3. If you have more than one child in different groups you will need to book them individually into those different groups.
4. Please list your childs name when going through the booking form not the parents name.
5. Rockets are required to wear a Rockets jersey. Those who have not been able to purchase a jersey since the last order need to use a loan jersey that is returned to us at the end of the session. Please add in the notes on the booking form if you require a loan jersey.
It is a mandatory requirement to have a junior or family membership of New Plymouth Mountain Bikers to register with the Rockets which can be done here
Please follow the Patterson Training Facebook page here for regular updates and any bad weather cancellations.
Download and complete this child information form and bring it with you on the day. Little-Rockets-Registration-2018
Firstgas Rockets Jersey size medium female 3/4 sleeve$46.00
Firstgas Rockets Jersey size small female 3/4 sleeve$46.00
Firstgas Rockets Jersey size xtra small female 3/4 sleeve$46.00
Firstgas Rockets Jersey size male medium long sleeve$46.00
Firstgas Rockets Jersey size male large$46.00
Firstgas Rockets Jersey size male medium$46.00
Firstgas Rockets Jersey size Male Small$46.00
Firstgas Rockets Jersey size 152$46.00